The truth about laughing
You might be surprised to see a blog about laughing in relation to emotional wellbeing. However, laughing is one of our reactions to strong emotions. This could be from a huge sense of happiness, or a huge sense of stress.
As we’ve already mentioned, emotions can be huge and conjure up really strong reactions. When we have so much joy or happiness, our body will react and make us smile and laugh. This reaction in fact releases endorphins which make us feel even more happy.
Sometimes, though, when we feel stressed, anxious, nervous, unsure about something, we can also laugh. Have you ever seen someone laugh in which was an inappropriate moment, especially children? This could be because they are feeling anxious or nervous about a situation they find themselves in. Most people don’t see the connection, and think the person is being strange or unkind even but actually it is their body’s way to react. They are trying to find a way to stay calm, to help them feel safe within this uncertain situation. Next time you see someone laughing, inappropriately, it might be worth just checking if they are ok.
There is a saying, that ‘laughing is the best medicine’, this in fact is true. As laughing releases these chemicals which make us feel better, help us feel happier, safe and calm, we can actually use laughing as a technique to help support ourselves or our children when facing situations which make them feel anxious or unsettled.
Recently, in some areas of the country, people have set up classes, dedicated to laughing. certainly a different form of exercise class, but definitely one which sees huge benefits to someone’s emotional wellbeing. Have a look as there might be a class near you.