Your child or loved one may be struggling for different reasons and not understand why.
Understanding what to do and where to get help can be challenging. While schools, doctors, and other medical professionals and services are available, unfortunately, due to the high demand, there are often waiting lists for professional and therapeutic services. While doctors and schools can be supportive, they can sometimes present challenges. Situations like these can cause more stress and upset for you and your loved ones. It's important to remember that your child or loved one is not doing anything on purpose, and it's not their fault for feeling the way they do. They need help, support, and understanding.
It may be challenging to continue fighting and figuring out the best course of action but don't give up. Stay strong, and eventually, you and your loved one will receive the help you need. You understand your loved one better than anyone, so you will know what's best for them.
Struggling with difficult emotions can be very lonely
Being a parent or partner of someone who is struggling with their emotional wellbeing can be a harrowing experience. It can feel like a very lonely place, and you may experience a range of emotions, such as guilt for not being able to fix the problem or help your loved one, fear of not being able to take away their pain and worry about what the future holds. Additionally, the frustration of trying to find help and not always being able to find the support you need can also lead to feelings of anger and anxiety. It is a difficult situation, but it's important to remember that you are not alone.
It's possible that your child or loved one is going through a tough time for reasons that they or you may not fully comprehend. However, it's unfortunate that they are struggling and require assistance. They need help to comprehend what is happening to them, to understand their emotions, and to be reassured that everything will be alright.
Keep fighting
Questions and Answers
How to fight the mental fight
When it feels too much
Take small steps one day at a time and accept that some days will be better than others.
Self Care
Don't feel guilty about self-care, as it's essential so you can support others or yourself.
The Two A's
Once you identify the stress trigger, you can find ways to reduce or remove the stress altogether.