Take small steps one day at a time and accept that some days will be better than others.
When dealing with any of these difficulties, not only do you have your child to think about, as well as yourself and possibly other children, but the stress and worry of professionals, school, and what they will say or do.
The pressure placed upon you can be massive. Many agencies and charities are available to support you with advice and guidance on how to deal with schools and professionals, but let us think about you and your When faced with difficult situations involving your child, it can be overwhelming to consider not only your child's needs but also those of yourself and any other children in your care. Dealing with professionals and schools can be stressful, and worrying about what they might say or do is natural. This pressure can be immense, but many agencies and charities are available to offer advice and guidance on navigating these challenges.
However, focusing on caring for yourself and your child is essential. Prioritise self-care to support your child effectively. Work together to identify triggers and develop strategies to help your child manage their anxiety and build emotional resilience. It's essential to take things one day at a time and accept that some days will be better than others. Remember that every step counts, and you are moving in the right direction.
If you ever need help or guidance, feel free to get in touch with me. I'm always here to support you and offer resources to help you and your child.
Look at the whole picture
When you see someone you care about suffering, whether your child, partner or anyone close to you, it's natural to want to help and support them. You can do this by being there for them, listening when they need someone to talk to, offering a comforting hug, and educating yourself on various strategies that you can share with them to help them help themselves.
You can learn strategies at any age to help improve your emotional wellbeing and build resilience for yourself and others.
You might think that you cannot do anything else because you lack the energy, especially if you're a child's parent facing challenges. Your child may have special educational needs, learning difficulties, sensory issues, and anxiety and may find it difficult to attend school. These situations can be highly stressful and emotional for you and your child. However, there is hope and a way out of this situation, no matter how long it may take.
One day at a time
Questions and Answers
How to fight the mental fight
Being Honest
Learn how to manage your emotions by being honest with yourself & others.
Acceptance isn't easy; it’s challenging and complex, but letting go of the emotion is key.
Knowing your child or loved one
Your child or loved one may be struggling for different reasons and not understand why.