Don't feel guilty about self-care, as it's essential so you can support others or yourself.

Recognise your early warning signs

It's important to understand and acknowledge your emotions and recognise the early warning signs and potential triggers. For instance, physical symptoms such as headaches, sweating, nausea, clenching fists, or changes in breathing can indicate how you feel. These symptoms might be triggered by various stressful events, such as receiving unexpected bills, arguing, receiving difficult news, attending an interview, or delivering a presentation. Different situations can trigger different reactions depending on your emotional state, current mindset, and how you manage your emotions.

The key to managing overwhelming emotions is recognising early warning signs and triggers. Learning strategies that work for you, your partner, your child, or anyone else struggling is essential.

You have more strength than you know

A person cutting through I can't do it

Being able to look after yourself and put yourself first is not selfish but part of surviving and hugely important when dealing with your emotional wellbeing or that of others.

It is often said that talking, listening, and being there for each other is essential. While this is true, taking a break, recharging, and starting anew is equally crucial. Just like on a plane, where you are advised to wear your oxygen mask before helping others in an emergency, you must also prioritise your wellbeing. Caring for yourself gives you the inner strength to assist others. If you neglect your needs, you may crash and be unable to help anyone, including yourself.

"What is self-care?" one might ask. "And how can we achieve it?" While we all understand the significance of activities such as personal hygiene, eating, drinking, and pursuing enjoyable hobbies, the question of self-care becomes more complex when we experience mental exhaustion from either our own thoughts or supporting others around us. In such cases, self-care involves more than the physical components; it also encompasses the emotional aspects of our thoughts and feelings.

Taking care of yourself involves being aware of your emotions and recognising your feelings. So, if you're having a bad day, don't hesitate to admit it. There's no harm in it. Some tasks may not get completed, but that's okay; they can be taken care of tomorrow. What's more important is to acknowledge your feelings, accept them, and deal with them. Show yourself some kindness and understanding.

Questions and Answers

  • How do I know I’m struggling as I always feel tired and fed up?

    These are your early warning signs you are struggling. It’s time to take time for you.

  • I can’t do this any more. I feel so numb.

    When you feel like this, you really need to stop. Take every opportunity you can to recharge, make sure you keep to a good bed time routine. Maybe consider taking some time of work, speak to your GP as you are at a critical stage of your mental health.

  • How do I work out what my triggers are?

    This isn’t always easy but keeping a diary or list of when you felt angry, annoyed, frustrated and identify what happened before will help you recognise your triggers. This is also a helpful technique to use with children who are struggling and experiencing meltdowns.

How to fight the mental fight

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    Being Honest

    Learn how to manage your emotions by being honest with yourself & others.

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    When it feels too much

    Take small steps one day at a time and accept that some days will be better than others.

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    Emotional Wellbeing Strategies

    The key to any strategy is finding the right one for you at that particular time in your life.