Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week is 15th - 21st May 2023.
As we all know mental health difficulties affect so many people in so many different ways. It’s great more awareness is being generated to help break the stigma attached to mental health but also raise awareness about what we can do to make sure we look after ourselves and keep an eye on others. So Mental Health Awareness week is an ideal time for us all to raise awareness about mental health, take a look at our own emotional wellbeing and check in with others.
Many schools and organisations might have events being held this week to help raise awareness. There might be, Wear it green day, think about the 5 ways to wellbeing, get out with nature or even hold a coffee morning. Whatever might be happening near you, get involved.
If you, or anyone you know are struggling, check out my pages for suggestions to look after your emotional wellbeing. If it’s more serious please contact your GP.