Difficult days

We all have ‘one of those days’ when it feels like everything we touch doesn’t work, everything is against us and everything just feels too much. Usually this is because we already have a lot on our minds, we probably haven’t had much time to rest, we’re already feeling tired or literally everything happens all at once. What are the old wives tales, ‘everything happens in threes?’

So what can we do to manage these difficult days? Firstly, stop. We can’t run with a broken leg so why try running when you’re feeling overwhelmed as all it means is everything will probably go wrong, it will take more energy to complete any tasks, so you end up feeling exhausted and usually end up getting nothing done. By stopping, and taking restock of things means you can refocus, prioritise what has to be completed at that moment in time and start to take action.

This isn’t always easy, but stop, have a cup of tea, take 5 minutes, breathe and restart.

Other tips; make a list of tasks you need to complete, prioritise them into which tasks are essential, which ones have to be completed right now and leave the ones which can wait. Not everything has to be done today. we already lead such busy lives, it really is ok to take a break

Also make sure you have time to rest, have time for you, take a bath, read a book, listen to calming music, go for a walk, anything which helps you relax your mind. if you do this, especially before going to bed, you will sleep better and therefore be more energised in the morning, ready for a new day.

You can always check out my Strategies to Help pages for more tips and suggestions.


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