Stress, or not to stress?
What is stress? Why do we struggle with stress? Why can stress have such an effect on us both mentally and physically?
Ultimately, stress is a huge part of everyone’s lives. It can have huge implications upon our bodies both mentally and physically, mainly due to the hormones which are released within our bodies and how these hormones affect us.
Stress can be positive and can enable us to push through in a difficult situation to keep going and to fight for something hugely important to us. For example, revising for tests or exams, for preparing for an event like a wedding.
However, enduring stress over a long period of time can be detrimental to us and can cause huge implications for us. We might suffer exhaustion, bodily aches and pains, breathing difficulties or heart palpitations. We may even experience panic attacks or more severe health difficulties. For example, heart attack or stroke.
Whatever our stress may be being caused from, sometimes we are able to reduce the stress by removing the stress. For example, a relationship breakdown may mean leaving the relationship and although upsetting, may result in a better and more positive outcome. Sometimes though, life throws situations at us which we can get rid off, we can’t move away from. For example, your child struggling to attend school and the stress of trying to support your child and the pressure from school to get your child into school.
Whatever your stress might be, just make sure you take time for you. For more information, check our ‘Science behind it all’ and ‘Emotional Wellbeing Strategies’ to help you find the right solution for you.