Time to Reflect

What is reflection? We’re not talking about seeing ourselves in a mirror; this is about looking inward—examining our dreams, desires, and values. Reflection involves taking the time to understand our true selves, recognising our limitations, identifying what we need to do to achieve our goals, and appreciating the importance of pausing to think, relax, and gather our thoughts.

You may have noticed that I haven’t been online much in the past few months. This has been due to challenges in my personal life and the need to balance completing tasks with taking time to recharge.

Taking this time away has helped me realise how to care for myself and what steps I need to take to reach my goals. This isn’t about selfishness or just ‘thinking of myself’—most of my goals centre around my family. It’s more about reflection, recognising what is truly important, and aligning my priorities.

Having time for ourselves is just as important as being present in the moment, if not more so. Incorporating time each day to reflect, recognise, and understand our emotional state is crucial to achieving more and completing objectives related to our goals.

Reflecting on ourselves doesn’t require hours of deep thought or significant life changes. It can be as simple as dedicating 10–15 minutes each week to consider our actions and whether they guide us in the right direction. It doesn’t require sitting cross-legged in silence; it could be as easy as pausing with your morning cup of tea while putting on your shoes or even during your teeth brushing routine.

Whatever works best for you, take a moment to pause and reflect. You might be surprised at what you discover about yourself.


Mental Health Awareness Week