Why emotional wellbeing?
Why is everyone talking about mental health and emotional wellbeing? Why does it seem to be the topic of conversation?
People have always struggled with their mental health at some point in their life. Generations ago we were taught not to talk about our feelings, they’re not important, they don’t matter but we now know this is not the case and for many they really did need to talk about what was going on for them.
Some people may see talking as moaning, whinging, even being boring as they’re talking about the same things all the time. Does it matter? And what is the difference between having a moan about something which is worrying you to sat talking to a therapist? Is there really a difference? I don’t think so.
We all have days, where having a good moan or a good cry really make us feel better - try it. This is because we are releasing all those negative thoughts into the open, giving our brains time to process what it is we’re really worrying about, or really struggling with. Have you ever had to make a decision about something and really didn’t know what to do? Felt like you’re brain was spinning and you were going round in circles trying to figure out what to do? What happened? Did you speak to someone about what you were trying to figure out? Did you write a list of pros and cons? Did this help you figure out what to do? I bet your answer is yes. This is because you released the negative thoughts and gave your brain time to think.
We forget so much that our brain is a a very complicated organ but like every other organ in our body it needs to be looked after. We have to keep it healthy and give it time to heal, to work, to think, to rest. This is why looking after our emotional wellbeing or mental health is just as important as our physcial health, in some respects even more important.
Our brains do so much for us so keep it healthy and look after your emotional wellbeing. You can find some strategies under ‘Strategies to Help’ so have a look.